Engagement Rings & Celebrities

Whether we like it or not current trends in engagement rings say bigger is so much better. Just have a look at what style engagement rings celebrities are choosing. And of course what's good for them is good for the rest of us.

J Lo's engagement to Ben Flick also started an interesting trend of consumers seeking out pink diamonds. In no other time in history have pink diamonds been as popular as right after J Lo placed that pink diamond engagement ring on her finger.

Do any of you remember Marilyn Monroe sexily purring "Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend?" Do you have any idea what that did the engagement ring market.

Guys are still paying for that statement. Sure back in the 50s women knew it wouldn't be sensible to wear such a large engagement ring but that didn't mean a gal couldn't yearn for it.

Today a women wouldn't feel in the least bit guilty about wearing such a diamond, in fact there are many a women that judge how well they are loved by the size of the rock they are wearing because they "know" what Marilyn knew, that "diamonds are infact a girls best friend."

When we see the engagement rings worn by stars like Madonna or Catherine Zeta-Jones we take notice and their choices influence the trends that follow. Celebrities are the leaders in setting fashion and jewelry trends.

Madonna with her Edwardian engagement ring and Catherine Zeta-Jones's antique styled 10 carat diamond ring has revived the desire to own a beautiful antique engagement ring. In fact it's one of the hottest engagement ring styles in 20 years.

The size of the diamonds in current styles has also grown from the average one carat to over three carats. That's a pretty big rock that's going to set you back a bit. But girls know they deserve it!

If you aren't sure whether bigger is better than have a look at the jewels at this years Oscars which are said to total over $50 million dollars in value. Wonder how many vaults it took to keep those locked up for the night?

With bling being the in thing one has to stop and wonder how the heck normal average working guys plan to pay for these rings. When their fianc?s are asked the standard answer is "doesn't matter I'm worth it.

That's great if your guy is earning a 6 figure salary but wait what if he's not. What if he's joe average living from pay day to pay day. What should he do move into the bush and give up his home, perhaps take up walking and sell his car?

Wait guys maybe you can get away with a really good quality cubic zirconia. No guarantees but it might be worth a try. Most of the high end ones can only be identified by a quality jeweler. Then again maybe she won't care as long as it's big and impressive.

Okay girls lets be real here. Dreaming and lusting for that big 5 carat rock is just fine. No problem with dreaming, but when it comes time for your man to buy that ring remember that the ring is not what you are marrying so perhaps it's time to consider the quality and quantity of the husband to be rather than the ring.

Big diamond or little diamond it doesn't matter as long as the two of you are blissfully happy. Let the celebrities wear their big diamonds and let them sparkle and shine in the lime light. It doesn't matter because you got your man! That's what counts!

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